Tonje Cicilie Nordgaard Best Video Production

VISA Card Processing Group
Amgen Pharmaceutical
UBM (United Business Media)
Pilar Camp, Chicago
Video Team Building

For info please contact us at: 323-842-3116
We would recommend this to anyone looking for something beyond the normal corporate team building exercises. We are a fairly new Board of Directors and initially we were out of our comfort zone but Tonje was great and put everyone at ease. It was a fun and unique experience and to top it all off we were given a tour of Sony Studios.
UMB (United Business Media)
Video Team Building
The participants gets trained in the basic scrip and filmmaking, and will then write the script, this are often over a theme associated with the business the company is involved in and often opens up for opportunities to think about the future of the company. The participants will be the actors, and hold all the positions a professional film production would have, being trained in how to make the proper calls on set and the order of events. We will bring one or more video cameras, enough facilitators to assist each group, lights, sound gear, costumes, props and set decorations, according to the assignment. The theme will be decided by you ahead of time. After shooting the video, we will edit it, and it will be ready to show by the end of the day. The production part of it is fun and creative, and you will see sides of people you did not know was there. The screening is always a huge success, and has participants rolling over laughing. It bring people together, and is best executed if comes as a complete surprise to the participants, to allow for no time to get nervous. Every time we do video team building, the participants tell me it was the highlight of the conference, and they cannot wait to show their family and friends. The finished product can be uploaded Online under Private settings to keep it totally private, but allows the participants to show it to their families and tell them about the great experience they had. We can go anywhere you are, we operate Nation Wide, and World Wide, and can also accommodate the team building in Film Studios here in Los Angeles for additional experience of the Movie Making and its traditional Studio system.
VISA Processing Group even showed it at their Company Christmas Party!
Team Building exercises to choose between:
The great thing about doing video work is that is demands creativity, and many of the participants will get to use sides of them selves they do not get to use so often in their daily work. This is refreshing, and stimulates to well being and positive attitude. The groups will be divided into teams that will write, act, direct and be crew in a short film. Everybody takes actively part in the moviemaking and is dependent on each other to come to an end. Moviemaking is the ultimate teamwork. The film will consist of 3 parts. A beginning, middle and end. Three different groups will make these 3 parts. The costumes will be the thing that makes one recognize who the character is when it comes to a change in the actors. This makes it a very humorous experience. Every group will have a lot of creative freedom, based on a rough scrip reference since it is all done in ½ -1day. The final film will be edited together, by one of the staff members, and given to the group after the event is over. The groups can get together again and again experience what they did in the team-building workshop.
The different groups will make a 30 seconds to a minute long commercial based on the services and product of the company. The participants will write the scripts, act, direct, shoot and crew the production. This will focus the participants on how to think when selling the company's products. The themes will make the commercial completely from their own ideas. This allows creativity through serious thinking as well as humor. The commercials will be edited together by one of our editors, and given to the company after the event.
This is an adventure for the group. The group will decide on ideas to make a news spot about. It could have something to do with the company, a goal achieved or new products in the making. It creates new thinking in the participants on where the company can, or should go from now, and a lot of interesting ideas can come to the surface, ideas the would not otherwise have been heard. The new spot will be written, directed, covered in pictures, and with possible interviews. There will be selected a reporter in the group to tell the story, and everyone will be given rolls to play either on the crew side or in front of the camera.
This is a highly creative process, where the participants make their own song, perform it and direct it. A piece like this demands rehearsal and concentration. A music video can only be made if one work together towards the goal. The song can be made over a company theme, or company message. The music is added, dance steps choreographed, and carefully practiced before the piece finally is video taped. When the group later gets together to watch the finished project, they will have a second bonding experience, and a great time, in laughter and fun, recalling the creative process and the close work relationship required to make the music video. This is truly a good time, and a great exercise.